Make the Most of Your SharePoint Experience with These 4 Hacks

table - Make the Most of Your SharePoint Experience with These 4 Hacks

Are you a SharePoint developer who constantly struggle with unhappy end-users? It might take some time and effort, but customizing SharePoint to ensure your end-users are happy sure is worth it. By implementing at least one of our four top SharePoint hacks, you’ll be making the lives of end-users and your own much easier.

Are you ready to discover some handy hacks that will result in a sense of gratitude and a platform that kicks ass? Let’s get started!

msoffice - Make the Most of Your SharePoint Experience with These 4 Hacks

1. Microsoft Office Integration is Key

You can simplify everything once you integrate and synchronize Microsoft Office with SharePoint. End-users will appreciate the fact that they’ll be able to access the intranet straight from their desktops. Just make sure that client integration is activated. How to do it? Simply follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to SharePoint Central Administration.
  2. Select the Application Management tab.
  3. Next, go to Application Security and click on Authentication Providers.
  4. Select the default option.
  5. Select ‘Yes’ underneath Client Integration to enable it.

2. Item-level Security for Document Libraries is Important

Did you know that list items can have varying security levels? This is great when you don’t want everyone to be able to make changes or remove data on a specific item. Even though applying the same customization to document libraries is a bit difficult, it is possible.

Keeping stock of who has authorization or the ability to access certain things is key in end-user satisfaction.

3. You Have to Configure PDF IFilter

It sucks that SharePoint search engines do not use index pdf files, right? Well, what if we told you that there is a way to hack this? You’d probably do a little happy dance on the spot. Simply install the pdf IFilter from Adobe and install the icon. This should solve the problem and ensure all pdf files come up in search.

type - Make the Most of Your SharePoint Experience with These 4 Hacks

4. Install All SharePoint Templates Straight Away

We know, end-users can be a bit of a pain. They always want to know whether it wouldn’t be possible to do this or that or change this to that. If you are savvy you can spare yourself a lot of heartache and running around. SharePoint has loads of handy templates all ready to use.

So, before you try to customize SharePoint completely, have a look at all their templates and grab the ones that can be of benefit to your end-users!

As the saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat! We hope that our top four SharePoint hacks will get those nagging end-users off your back and smiling.

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